Relațiile de afaceri precum dealerii/furnizorii și alte relații de afaceri

În cazul în care angajatorul dvs. este relație de afaceri PACCAR, prelucrăm o cantitate limitată de date cu caracter personal ale dvs., de exemplu datele dvs. de contact‑ și identificare, de exemplu pentru a putea administra contractul, pentru a ține evidența instructajelor și pentru a vă furniza acces la sistemele IT relevante.

Tipul datelor cu caracter personal Why do we process your data? Lawful base
Name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and when needed ID-number, copy ID, tax-number, bank account-number, financial data such as credit ratings. Preparation and performance of contract with you and/or your employer also including webshop purchases. Contractual obligation
Name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and when needed ID-number, copy ID, tax-number, bank account-number, financial data such as credit ratings. Fulfilment of regulatory compliance Legitimate interest
Name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, User-ID, Browser history and browser settings, such as pages accessed, date and time accessed and location, IP-address and device from which website is accessed To provide access to IT systems, webshops and web-portals. Legitimate interest / Contractual Obligation
Name, address, telephone number, e-mail address. To build and maintain relations. To inform you about products and services that might be of your interest. For market research and business intelligence purpose. For the participation in loyalty-programs. For the participation in surveys, training and quality assessments. Legitimate interest